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毗邻长江,拥卧东海之滨,位于长江入海口北岸的吕四港口。公司集研发、生产、销售为一体;秉承勤奋、创造、和平、发展的企业文化;执着效率与质量并进;高瞻卓尔,力求在五金工具这片土壤上,与大家一起携手双赢,共创辉煌! 公司主要产品涵盖激光水平仪系列;龙骨钳等轻钢龙骨与石膏板辅助工具系列;大力钳系列;刀剪系列;螺丝刀系列;钣金系列.多项产品已获专利,产品远销欧洲、北美、中东等。 德科全体同仁志于以行动说话,德质而立,卓尔之远! Being situated near Yangtse River and seashore of the East Ocean, DEKE Co., Ltd lies in Lvsi port which is located at north bank of junction between Yangtse River and the East Ocean. Our corparation includes research, manufacture and distribution as a entirety. We believe diligence, creativity, peace,development as corporation culture and rely on efficiency and quality to strive for success in the hardware field with our clients. The company main product covers the light steel keel and the plaster tablet auxiliary means series; Vigorously pliers series; The knife cuts the series; Screwdriver series; Plate work series.many of them has obtained national patent of china.Currently, products made by the company are selling in large amounts to many nations and regions around the globe such as USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Malaysia,Iran and Egypt. We not only think, but we do-to beat a drum with a hammer thousands of times if inferior to one big bang; Shining with boundless brilliance is not as clear as one light in darkness.
“供应 多用扳手”信息由发布人自行提供,其真实性、合法性由发布人负责。交易汇款需谨慎,请注意调查核实。